California Statutes require at least one natural person to serve as director of the corporation. The same person may hold the offices of President, Secretary, and Treasurer and may be the only person appointed to the Board of Directors. The name(s) and address(es) of the person(s) holding said offices or appointed to the Board of Directors must be filed with the Secretary of State annually. The Officers and Board of Directors are appointed by the shareholders of the corporation. The shareholders ultimately decide the course of action of the corporation.

If you desire to retain a higher level of anonymity, you may wish to utilize our Nominee Director Services. Cal First Holdings Inc. will provide your corporate entity with an Officer to serve in the positions as required by the California Statutes. The name and address of the Nominee Director will be filed annually with the State of California on behalf of the corporation. Additionally, the Nominee Director will be utilized to obtain the tax identification number for your corporate entity. When submitting the application for a tax identification number to the US Department of Treasury, the President of the corporation must provide their name and social security number (or proof of foreign status). While you may elect to use the Nominee Director Services, you will remain responsible for the daily operation of the corporation. This is generally substantiated through resolution (Appointment of Operating Officer) or power of attorney.